Monday, October 6, 2008

A new approach

I have been taking class with Mary Hettmansperger, multi-media fibre artist, here in New Zealand at Textile Fibre Forum Aotearoa. I was intrigued at what such a prestigious tutor could add to my current skill set - which is mostly fibre and paper based.

I was thrilled to find myself cutting and shaping, colouring and stitching into copper and finding myself with new doll shapes and ideas to explore.

I can see myself taking this much further as I loved using such a strange but lovely material and find the chance to use copper with my other fibre arts really exciting.

The image is a work in progress with insets still to be added.


Anonymous said...

It's very lovely even as it is!

Gina - RoseThistleArtworks said...

Wow. That sounds awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your newly inspired creations.

Anonymous said...

This is truly a break from the routine, a fabulous work! I am anxious to see more.


dollproject said...

Ooh, the surface colors are so lovely. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I love how the skills and techniques used for doll making are infinite.