Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don the pumpkin

 normally this time of year I have tons of Halloween goodies listed in my etsy shop. This year I have taken on the art/craft shows and am swamped with them. I have nothing to show in my etsy shop, NOTHING. This really does not look good when my month is coming up. October, decided that since I can not keep my shop full of Halloween treats that I would at the very least put one or two items on ebay once in a while. so Here is Don, the very grumpy, rude, and just plain nasty pumpkin who has been hand picked by me to be made into a pumpkin pie or sold on ebay. 


Ayala Art said...

Awesome, like always! A mix of cute/spooky Xo)

Georgina said...

Love him...reminds me of this old prof I had in college!! LOL

Riot said...

I'm in love! :)
Your works are amazing!